Actual Top Relevant News Topics




01 - The NonFederal NonReserve CounterFEITing Central Banks ... The UnAudited UnConstitutional and Illegal Vote on the Federal Reserve in 1913.  

02 - War Finance - 


03-MediaBuyUps-Censorship FakeNews ... 

04-JFK - Assassination And cover UP

05-    911-2001 Building Implosions

06- InnerCity and Electronic ElectionFraud 2020-2021-2022


08-  Illegal Alien POTUS

09- DEW Spot Burn Atrocities

10- Climate Change CO2 HOAX IceAge CoverUps

11-Clinton Uranium One

12- OKC Building Implosion

13 - Clinton Foundation 

PAY to PLAY Bribery Scandal

14 - Pedophile Sex Trafficking and Sexual Bribery



01. ALIEN CONTROLLED UN-AUDITED COUNTERFEITING SYNDICATES. MisNamed as being Legitimate Banks representing Legitimate Governments.  Example - Bank of London, Example - US Federal Reserve, etc ... The MisNamed Banking Entities hold no allegiance to their host governments. They are alien controlled by NonGovernment Enties. Have the power to print up UnLimited Sums of money and spend it any way they want to WithOUT being Audited.  Buying up Newspapers, Buying up TV Stations, Buying up Defense Contracting Companies, Buying Up Insurance Companies, Bribing Politication, Paying for Hits on Political Activists, Etc ... Never been Audited ... LotsAndLots of Dark Money and we pay interest on the CounterFEIT money !.  ( This topic is over most people's heads Unfortunately  ) . Think about it, If you have the power to print unlimited sums of counterfeit money and spend as you please; thing of all the houses and cars you could buy up.  What is you could simply alter you bank balance electronically on a computer while nobody is looking.  Why isn't something like this in the news ?  ... What would you buy up first is you were printing counterfeit money ?  Wouldn't it be nice to buy up the Newspapers and TV Stations that might blab out who was printing all the counterfeit money ?  The Assassination/Assassination Attempts Of Lincoln, Andrew Jackson, JFK, Taft, and Rutherford Hays were due to Issues Pertaining to AlienControlledUnAudited Central Banks.   f Sources :  Ron Paul - Rand Paul - Eustace Mullins - Bill Still - InfoWars

02. WAR FINANCE  - War of 1776, War Of 1812,  War of 1861,  WW I, and WW II. The War of 1776 was fought over the issuance of Colonial Script as It could not be taxed.  The War of 1812 was fought over the Failure  to Renew the Charter of the 1st Central Bank.  The War of 1861 was Fought over the The Failure of the 2nd Central Bank to be Renewed. WW I was made possible due to to the passage of the 3rd Central Bank or Federal Reserve Act.  WW II Was made Possible Due to the ability of the Federal Reserve to pring UnLimited Sums of CounterFEIT money withOUT being Audited. Sources :  Ron Paul - Rand Paul - Eustace Mullins - Bill Still - InfoWars

03 - MEDIA BUYUPS - CensorShip - And FakeNews - Due to Items #1 and #2, UnLimited Sums of CounterFEIT Money are Available to BuyUp Media Outlets.  With the Media being controlled by Nefarious Entities, TRUTH is prevented via FakeNews, and Outright Censorship. Sources :  Ron Paul - Rand Paul - Eustace Mullins - Bill Still - InfoWars

04. JFK ASSASSINATION and Subsequent CoverUP 150 or so hits on Witnesses to the Crime. DOJ-FBI-AG Complicity.    JFK

05 -  911-2001  Building ImplosionS and Subsequent CoverUp.         911-2001 CoverUp              DOJ-FBI-AG Complicity.   911

06 -  Election FRAUD / BlackBoxVoting in InnerCities ( Secret Tech Lit on Machine Programming )  / Ballot Harvesting ( Pick the ones you like authority ) / Absentee Ballots turned in days and weeks after the election ( Pick the Ones you like Authority )  . . .  BlackBoxVoting  ... Large Ballot Dumps of Bogus Mail In Ballots.  Domuion SmartMatic Election Fraud Devices. ElectionFraud2020  ...   ElectionFraudRumbleNetwork

07 -  CLINTON BODY COUNT  150 Hits on Witnesses to Clinton Crimes .    DOJ-FBI-AG Complicity.   ClintonBodyCount

08 -  ILLEGAL ALIEN : POTUS BO/BS  Tolerance and Subsequent CoverUp. DOJ-FBI-AG Complicity.  Natural Born Citizen Issue

09 -  DEW INCINERATING SPOT BURN AUTROCITYs : California, Colorado, Canada, SouthCarolina : Paradise CA 11-8-2018;  30,000 missing ( i.e. DEAD )    SpotBurns  -  CASpotBurnAtrocity

10 - CLIMATE CHANGE HOAX - IceAgeCoverUp - CO2 HOAX - CoverUp Of MassExtintions Due to VolcanoEruptions, Meteor Impacts, Periodic Changes in Earths Orbit, Periodic Changes in Earths Tilt, SnowBallEarth SunLight Reflection, Fluctuations in SunLightEnergy, etc ... 

11 -  CLINTON URANIUM ONE -  Act of Treason against the United States:      DOJ-FBI-AG Complicity.   CUOAOT

12.  OKC Building Implosion and Subsequent CoverUP.                  DOJ-FBI-AG Complicity.   OKCBIASCU    Expert Witness Gen Bentin K. Partin-NoCameras-UnExplodedBombs in BLDG

13 -  CLINTON FOUNDATION -  PayToPlay Bribery Crime Syndicate.               DOJ-FBI-AG Complicity.   CFPTPBCS

14 -  PEDOPHILE SEX TRAFFICKING and Sexual Bribery

15 -  FISA GATE : Obama/Clinton/Rosenstein/Mueller  FISA Gate ElectionFraud Crime Syndicate :  DOJ-FBI-AG Complicity.  FISA GATE - Government Syping on a POTUS Election Campaign.

16 - ILLEGAL ALIENS - The invasion of the Southern Border due to Illegal Aliens.



17 - Trade Deficit With Communist China and Other Countries

18 - AFGANISTAN : Inept Departure Leaving $80 Million in Military Equipment and US Nationals Behind While bring Aliens Back to the United States. 

19  -  DUMBS - Down UnderGround Military Bases


and Mandates - CoverUp on Cancer Cures - Murder By Injection and Chemical Pills. 

21 - Battery Car Mandates

22 - Assault on US Energy Supply AND US Economy

23 - FOOD SUPPLY : Assault On US Food Supply ... Mysterious Fires at Food Processing Plants. Killing Of Chickens and Turkeys due to Non Existent Bird Flu ... WitchHunt On Beef

24 - COMMUNIST POLICE STATE ... DOJ-FBI-ATF Standing Army Political Assault on US Civilian Population. 

25 - Altered Formula For Inflation

26 - Audit Of Social Security Trust Fund ... TransActions into The General Fund

27 - InAccurate   Method For Calculating True UnEmployment Statistics ... i.e. Understatement Of True UnEmployment 

28 - ChemTrails

29  -  Evidence Of GIANTS 

And / Or  Giant  Skeletons 

are not being placed in the Museums  And are not Being Discussed in the History Books

30 - Judicial Corruption - Political Activist Judges. 

31 - Act of 1871 - UnConstitutional Income Tax in 1916 - 





News Dribble

ACTUAL Dribble  REPORTED IN THE LEFTIST ANTICHRIST MISINFORMATION MEDIA :    Climate Change ... Yes Fall-Summer-Spring-Winter .... YES Planet Earth  started coming out of the ice age 10,000 years ago ... YES things used to be nice and warm for the dinosaurs.. 60M years ago.   NO;   There are no longer thick sheets of Ice over NYC nor the Great Leaks a Mile Thick ... CLIMATE Change melted the ice 10k  years ago  ... CO2 is bad and needs to be eliminated;  ... All living green things on planet earth rely on CO2 ... CO2 is less than 1% of the Earths Atmosphere ... We are taught this in the 6th and 7th Grade. An impeachment trial was held in Washington DC 2019 for the POTUS for 4 months and somebody forgot to mention the crime that the trial was being held for And they forgot to mention Who the accuser was.   The US House flipped in 2018 ... CAN WE SPELL Election FRaud in the inner cities.   Fires in California ... Did these fires  always burn cars parked in the middle of the road ... Did these fires always incinerate Homes all the way down to the slab and leave green trees surrounding the slab ?  Strange the MisInformatMedia did not report this ... and demand an investigation.   When did they stop doing body counts after a natural disaster ? ... OR Missing Persons Reports ( Presumed Dead Maybe ? ) The 6M HOAXaCAUST ... Which one ? There is a document called the World Almanac ... it does have records of population of different races of people throughout all time...1930-1940-1950.  ChinaCoronaVirusHOAXaCaust ... How many have died ? Where are the death certificates ? ... What constitutes a reported case of this mystery disease ?  Whats the latest with the personal lives of the people who inhabit the  HollyWIERD Vicinity and/or Enterprises ... 6 Pages of Sports in the News Papers ...  Letters to the editor ... 1/4 of one page.  NYC-BarMaid-US-HouseOfReps-OAC ?  Apparently has no knowledge of Earth History of The Ice Age.  Looks like she has never been out of NYC.  Is paid by some nefarious source to make speeches which prove she has never had a math or science course.   News keeps coming out on NewGuyBARR about high hopes that he intends to do something about all of the DeepState Treason ... but after a year ... NOTHING on HillAROID ... NOTHING of ILLEGAL ALIEN POTUS44 BO/BS. OOHH and lets not forget the ChinaCoronaVirus HOAXaCAUST ... EconomicShutDown. The guy is a DeepStateCRUD, and has a history of being opposed to the 1st Amendment, 2nd Amendment, and 4th Amendment. Other dribble ... The Azaleas bloomed early in Mississippi this year.  NBA closed down ... thank god.  Longtime Patriots Quarterback Tom Brady quits the patriots ... in his mid forties ... OhhWell ... BoyScouts are closing down due to lawsuits on pedophilia, and allowing girls into the boy scouts organization. 

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JFK  -  911ChinaBug - Quotes - SpotBurns - PNA


KenFromMS – MS Gulf Coast - Hancock- Jackson

Engineer - Electrician - Constitutional Activist - Fortified Structures 

Cell:  Text/VoiceMail   228-342-0076    -   WIFI Text/VoiceMail :  228-567-5695

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 JFK  -  911ChinaBug - Quotes - DEWSpotBurns - PNA - YTVs

911-2001 CoverUp

     ElectionFraud2020KF5KDH  - ElectionFraud2020

FFQs2015PNA  -     Natural Born Citizen Issue  -  ClintonBodyCountJFK BodyCount - CASpotBurnAtrocity -   

911-2001 CoverUp 

Actual INTEL   - ChinaBug - FFQs2020 - 911 - YTVs

ElectionFraud2020KF5KDH  - ElectionFraud2020


KenFromMS   – MS Gulf Coast - Hancock County - Jackson County
Engineer - Electrician - Constitutional Activist - Fortified Structures
Cell: Text/Voice Mail 228-342-0076 Email : Email :
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PNA-FoundingFatherQuotes - PatriotNewsAlert - Natural Born Citizen Issue KF5KDHClintonBodyCountJFK BodyCount - CASpotBurnAtrocity - Actual INTEL


J.K. "Ken" Overstreet P.E.  -  POB 6543 –  DMHD MS 39525      

Engineer - Electrician - Constitutional Activist - Fortified Structures   

Cell:  Voice Mail    228-342-0076    Email :  WIFI# 601-429-4376 

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 Patriot Movement Endeavors

   PNA-FoundingFatherQuotes  -  PatriotNewsAlert  -   CampaignForLiberty  -  Natural Born Citizen Issue