The Worse, The Better – Pin Pointing The Origin of the Stench.


LongStoryShort : Bum Advisors, Bum Courts, Bum Media … all funded by the Nefarious Entities 

who control the DarkMoneyBankster Cartels. All part of ElectionFraud2020 Partners in CrimeSyndicate. 


Now that we have pinpointed the origin of the stench ... We can now focus on an actual solution. 

ELECTION FRAUD 2020 PROOF : Finally, we had a POTUS who had the ability to finance a presidential campaign and promoted radical ideas like Preserving the UnitedStatesConstitution, The Bill Of Rights, Defending the borders of the United States, Reducing the Trade Deficit of Communist China, Pointing out that the sitting POTUS was an illegal alien, Identifying the FAKENEWS MEDIA as menace to the Country. And finally, pointing out that there was ELECTION FRAUD in at least 10 states using a combination of over 20 known methods. At this juncture the only answer would be to recall the entire US Congress and do a Nationwide ReVote of the 2020 Election with paper ballots. We have known all along that we have had Election Fraud, but now it has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt. THE ORIGIN OF THE STENCH HAS NOW BEEN PINPOINTED.

BUM ADVISORS : The existence of BumAdvisors is nothing new. Look at the BumAdvisors President Woodrow Wilson had that advised him to sign off on the NonFederalNonReserve AlienControlled Counterfeiting Syndicate aka federal reserve. Look at the Soviet agents that served in the Roosevelt Administration. Look at the bum advisors in the US State Department that advised Truman to fire General McArthur right before he defeated the North Koreans ( Soviet-UN Aided ) … Look at President Nixon who had a Russian Born Secretary Of State with a foreign accent. Somebody advised President Carter to give away the Panama Canal ( Not A Campaign Promise ). Also to abort the IRAN Rescue mission when it could have succeeded. President REAGAN was forced to take NWO-CFR GHWB as his VP and a whole hose of CFR-TC members as cabinet members. He was advised to abort the Vietnam POW/MIAs Rescue Mission as well. Will not mention the name of the draft dodgerSOB who got in as POTUS and also the Illegal Alien who got in a POTUS. One would have thought that the Republican Party would have raised the issues of the ClintonBodyCount and the Fact that an Illegal Alien was serving as POTUS. And finally look at the bum advisors that POTUS Trump was forced to take … AG-Sessions, AG-Barr, FBI-Wray, The RosenStein Scoundrel, The whole cabinet ( CFR/TC members ) … It is now known that the PRIMARY BUM ADVISOR to POTUS TRUMP was the VP pick; MIKE PENCE. THE ORIGIN OF THE STENCH HAS NOW BEEN PINPOINTED.

BUM COURTS : Won’t hear cases about the NonFederalNonReserveCounterfeitingSyndicates. Won’t hear cases about the JFK Assassination. Won’t hear cases about the Satanic Pedophiles. Won’t hear cases about the 911 Building Implosions. Won’t hear cases about the ClintonBodyCount. Won’t hear cases about the Election Fraud that occurred in 2020 in at least 10 states, and by using a combination over 20 different methods. No suits are heard about a POTUS who just so happens to be an illegal alien. Plenty of time to hear cases against the Whistle Blowers. Plenty of time to hear cases revoking the Law Licenses of those who are whistle blowers. Have they been blackmailed by some Nefarious Entity ? THE ORIGIN OF THE STENCH HAS NOW BEEN PINPOINTED.

BUM MEDIA : Those who control the media religiously ignore the NonFederalReserve, ignore the The JFK Assassination, ignore The Satanic Pedophiles, ignore the 911 Building Implosions, ignore the DEW CA Spot burns where fires start from Metal Objects and the incinerated houses are sourounded by Green Trees, ignore the Election Fraud that occurred in 2020 in at least 10 states, and by using a combination over 20 different methods. But will focus on WitchHunt Investigations Of POTUS Trump, NonCFR General Flynn, Roger Stone, Where the Witness and CrimeStatute are never stated. The LeftistMarxist AntiChristMedia will focus on AttackTheMessenger (NeverDebateTheMessage) Endeavors. FreeSpeech Websites and Social Media Posts will be taken without cause. THE ORIGIN OF THE STENCH HAS NOW BEEN PINPOINTED.


1. NonFederalNonReserve     2. JFK Hit     3. 911 Building Implosions     4. ClintonBodyCount     

5. ClintonUraniumOne     6. ElectionFraud2020     7. IllegalAlienPOTUS     8. CA-DEW SpotBurnAutrocities

FFQs2015PNA  -     Natural Born Citizen Issue  -  ClintonBodyCountJFK BodyCount - CASpotBurnAtrocity -   Actual INTEL   - ChinaBug - FFQs2020 - 911

ElectionFraud2020-LawSuits-ReCountsKF5KDH  - ElectionFraud2020-LawSuits-ReCounts

Make contact with these folks and Simply Ask Them : What is being done about Election Fraud 2020 ?… What is being done about the ReCalling the RINO RepliCRUDs who voted for impeachment ? … Can we do like South Dakota and rescind all UnConstitutional Executive Orders ? Can we do like Texas and Missouri and enact legislation to Barr enforcement of Anti2ndAmendment Legislation ? Can you make a motion to adjourn since nothing is being done about ElectionFraud2020 ? Since a new policy of impeaching past presidents has been initiated … how about impeaching obama since he was an illegal alien when he served as POTUS.